Terms and Conditions

The Information you should read

No-one likes reading terms and conditions. Most of us just tick a box that says we've read them, and carry on regardless.

Then something happens that catches you by surprise.

Well, we don't want surprises, so we've provided a download of the Terms and Conditions in pdf format which you can print out and read at leaisure. We're also letting you know the key points:


The key points:

I checked out the
T and C's
and all was very clear. Its good to know that so much trouble was taken to provide such clarity.

1. Lessons roll on

When a pupil is taking regular lessons, the lessons roll on from one week to the next, one month to the next, one year to the next, as pupils don't need to re-enrol each term or year.

Once registered with the school, a pupil remains registered until they (or their parents) decide they wish to leave. And if you do, you need to give notice:

2. Notice Period

Should you wish to discontinue lessons you can do so at the end of term or at a half term holiday.

You do need to provide notice in writing no later than 5 weeks before the end of the term or half term OR the first day of the term or half term if this is less than 5 weeks.

For the avoidance of confusion a separate notice is provided which details the cut off dates.

We've made this policy as clear as possible to avoid any confusion.

We have to insist on this policy, as both teachers and pupils need stability in their classes in order for pupils to flourish.

  • Stop at the end of a term or half term.
  • 5 weeks notice needed, in writing.
  • All lessons in the Notice Period to be paid for.

3. Refund Policy

When a pupil is taking regular lessons, we expect every effort to be made by the pupil (or parent) to attend lessons.

Just as in a childs regular school, no refunds are provided for missed lessons, however, teachers will let pupils know what the homework is. If asked, they may also be able to offer a catch up lesson in another class but we can't promise that this will always be possible.


Download the full Terms and Conditions. Download Terms and Conditions

Download the cut off dates by which you need to give notice. Download Cut Off Dates